Sandling Primary School

Life Skills Challenge


Each year we run The Sandling School Life Skills Challenge for pupils in Year 6.

The scheme has four categories, Community Service, Personal Skills, Physical Skills and Business Enterprise. To achieve the award a challenge from each category should be completed. The challenges support the children in becoming more independent, gain confidence, develop new skills and gain an awareness of how they can play a part in the wider community.

Year 6’s enjoy running clubs for the younger children in a range of activities including dance, art and playground games. Pupils have campaigned for safer play parks or to repair local phone boxes and have written to and had meetings with local councillors, police and MPs. They have cooked for their families, taken part in local drama groups, learned new languages and developed their computing skills by filming short videos. Through school they are given the opportunity to complete a St John’s Ambulance First Aid course. Every child runs a stall at the school Christmas fair or an after school sale to learn the basic business skills of how to make a profit. The final challenge is an overnight camp on the school field.